Yes, I was not going to blog, but my friend Bee (check out his blog @ convinced me to mark this day and let er’bady know about my side of Christmas, so lets go back into history. Not to worry aint going to burn your brains and strain your eyes with the lengthy explaination as to what Christmas is.
Therefore lets just break it apart it is basically Christ-mass and any Catholic, rather Christian knows there is celebrations and joy with mass, hence the commemoration of the birth of Christ many around the globe have marked to be 25 December annually.
Mary was told she will bare a baby boy who will save the world and is to be named Jesus (basic bible stories from pre-school and church)
What has stayed the same and what has changed about Christmas.
CHRISTMAS HAS BEEN TOO COMMERCIALIZED, do children even still know its about Jesus and not the new whatever you getting, that is if you are fortunate enough to even get presents, we can think about many things, but to my disappointment it had to be with carols, the spirit of singing praise and joyfulness before the day and on the day had descended, I kept flicking through channels and changing radio station yearning for Christmas Carols, traditional ones mind you and all I found was people trying to really change the true meaning of Christmas, let us NOT forget the TRUE meaning behind Christ-mass.
I love the Christmas spirit, still not convienced about the tree though but everything that goes along with the joy of the day 100% for it.
I still want to have a white Christmas.
On the positive notion, the day was well spend with Family as we tried to remember the initial meaning behind Christmas.
My highlight had to be Lebo: A Christmas story viewed on sabc1
A few pictures had to be taken to remember the day.
Enjoy #gallery-101-1 { margin: auto; } #gallery-101-1 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 33%; } #gallery-101-1 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-101-1 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */