Mobile friendly interactive game SwaziYOLO educates young adults in Sub-Saharan Africa about HIV and AIDS prevention. The mobile game will be available to Android users at an age restriction of 18.
SwaziYolo is the brainchild of Bhekumusa Lukhele from Swaziland, a PhD candidate in Medical Science at the Kyoto University, Japan.
The game has been designed and developed by a Cape Town based interactive design aagency, Formula D on behalf Lukhele, the Kyoto University student. The game is currently being tested after which Lukhele in consultation with Formula D interactive will make the necessary technical and other changes.
“Interactive role-playing games are a great opportunity for people to not only learn about their own behaviour, but also to experiment with alternative behaviours, and experience causes and consequences in a safe environment. Serious games can simulate life-like situations. Gamers learn ‘just in time’ as they apply new knowledge immediately to the emerging game challenges.This is a powerful way of learning.”
The game will initially be rolled out in Swaziland – the country with the highest reported HIV prevalence in the world at 26% – targeting university students and other young adults between 18 and 28 years old. SwaziYOLO will be launched early next year.